Showing 3 Result(s)
the gut brain connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: How To Feed Your Brain

You know that you can have gastrointestinal symptoms when you’re stressed or nervous. We’ve all experienced that.  But, you may have also heard about the “gut-brain connection.” That your gastrointestinal system, lovingly called the “gut,” not only talks to your brain (yes, talks “to” your brain) but is kind of its own brain (a “second …

digestive enzymes

All About Digestive Enzymes

You may be taking (or considering taking) a digestive enzyme supplement. But, how do you know which one (if any) is right for you? Because there are just SO many enzymes out there, I break down the most common enzymes, what they do, and what you NEED to know about them in this post. All …

glass of milk

Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein & Whey)

Dairy – There are few foods as controversial as dairy. I mean, it is an entire food group, right? And there are definitely some people who say you need it. But, there are others who say to avoid it. And no one disputes that some people react to it. And by “react,” I mean both …