Showing 7 Result(s)
glass of milk

Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein & Whey)

Dairy – There are few foods as controversial as dairy. I mean, it is an entire food group, right? And there are definitely some people who say you need it. But, there are others who say to avoid it. And no one disputes that some people react to it. And by “react,” I mean both …

Mold Illness

Food Preservatives

Food preservatives are common in our foods these days. It’s nearly impossible to stay away from them because of the number of processed foods there are. Being a health conscious person, you’re eating better than most. You choose nutrient-dense whole foods more often than processed pre-packaged foods. So this may not be a huge concern …

Healthy fats and Dangerous fats

Healthy Fats and Dangerous Fats

Ever heard conflicting information on the healthfulness of different fats? Olive oil; coconut oil; soybean oil; etc.? Well, I have some clarifying information in my newest post. In this post, I list out my favorite cooking fats. I also give you my full permission to ditch a few of the popular but oh-so unhealthy fats. …

5 natural ways to deal with bloating

5 Natural Ways to Deal with Bloating

Bloating. That oh-so uncomfortable feeling in the gut. Often it rears its ugly head after a large meal. Or a small meal. Or a snack. Or… Yikes! How can we figure out what’s causing it? Perhaps you already have some wise de-bloating habits like avoiding foods you know give you gas. But that’s not completely …

Mold Illness mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness and Meditation…Do They Really Work?

Mindfulness and meditation are health buzzwords nowadays. Everyone, even those who aren’t health practitioners, tout the amazing effects of being mindful and practicing meditation. But, just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you should do it…or does it? As a practitioner and in dealing with my own CIRS (mold illness), I recommend it. This post gives …

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Sometimes it seems that everyone has an opinion on weight loss. It’s full of bad oversimplified advice, and magical “non-diet” diet products. And this information is all over the internet. I am so pleased to bust these bad boys. Want to know why? It’s because I care about you. If you’re looking to lose weight, …