Showing 4 Result(s)

Turmeric – Is it Really a Miracle Spice?

Turmeric is touted as a superfood and miracle spice. It’s delicious, and one of its “active ingredients” curcumin has been studied like crazy. It has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and many other great health benefits. In this week’s post I go over: The difference between turmeric and curcumin. Turmeric’s amazing health benefits. How to get …

Protein for mold illness recovery

Protein – How Much is Enough?

Most nutrition and health practitioners agree that protein is critical for health. Protein is essential for muscles, bones, organs, enzymes, hormones, etc. So how much do you need to eat? While there may be “standard” recommendations, they don’t apply to everyone. There are at least three different groups of people who need more than the …

Whole Foods

Need a Mood Boost? Eat This.

No question that what you eat can affect how you feel, right? Mental health and brain health are complex. So are the foods we eat, and the ways our bodies interact with those foods.  While, we don’t know the exact mechanisms how food and nutrition help, we know a few ways food impacts our moods. …