Showing 5 Result(s)

What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?

Have you ever had your blood sugar levels tested or heard about eating to balance blood sugar? Have you wondered about the science behind how foods affect blood sugar? Or more importantly, which foods affect your blood sugar more than others? If so, this post is for you. It’s all about the glycemic index and …

coffee post

Coffee – Who can drink and who should avoid?

Coffee is healthy. Coffee is not healthy. Drink it. Avoid it. Why all the confusion? If you want to know whether you should drink coffee or avoid it, today’s post is for you. Coffee affects different people differently. It has some health benefits, but there are people who should avoid it. Is this you? What …

Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It?

Adrenal fatigue is thought to be one of the (many) health issues that can be attributed to our high-stress lifestyles. Fatigue, cravings, inability to sleep, and mood swings are real. And common. Let’s dive into what we know about adrenal fatigue, and learn some ways to deal with it Adrenal Fatigue: What Is It? Stressed? …