Showing 4 Result(s)
Is my poop normal?

Is My Poop Normal?

This topic may be uncomfortable, but it’s so important for you to know what makes a healthy “poop” because it can tell you a lot about your digestion. And if your digestion is off, this could be an indication that something else is going on that you need to address. I know you are either …

glass of milk

Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein & Whey)

Dairy – There are few foods as controversial as dairy. I mean, it is an entire food group, right? And there are definitely some people who say you need it. But, there are others who say to avoid it. And no one disputes that some people react to it. And by “react,” I mean both …

5 natural ways to deal with bloating

How to Improve Gut Health

Do you believe your overall health is based on your gut health? What about allergies, pain, and moods – are they related to gut health? You probably guessed the answer is a resounding “yes!” The health of your gut affects everything else in your body. Your gut health is based on the integrity of its …