protect your kidneys and liver

3 Steps to Protecting Your Liver and Kidneys When Detoxing From Mold Illness

When healing from mold illness, follow these 3 steps and several tips to clear up your drainage system first, so your body can get rid of the mold mycotoxins in it and begin to heal. You will find these steps quite easy if done in the right order.

Step 1: Colon Cleanup Comes First

Step number one is cleaning up your colon (read more on this in “Detox from Mold Mycotoxins Part 1”). If it is not open and working well, then your lymphatic system won’t be able to drain right either. When your colon and lymphatic systems aren’t functioning right, your skin, kidneys, and lungs work to pick up the slack, which can bring rashes, respiratory disease, and possible damage to your kidneys and liver.

Step 2: Give Your Liver and Gallbladder Proper Attention

Once you have your colon working well, you must then make sure your liver and gallbladder can do their jobs. These organs work hard for you. When you eat, they both excrete bile which gets pushed into your gut to help protect it, while serving as a laxative, too.

Your liver is your main detoxification organ, however. Your body typically deposits toxins into your blood to be removed. It is your liver’s job to clean your blood – and it is your job to give your liver the nutrients it needs to help you detoxify.

Especially when overcoming mold illness, you want to reduce the toxic load that you are asking these organs to deal with.

•First, stay away from exposure to more mold, mycotoxins, plastics, and chemicals.

•Next, avoid or limit foods that are toxic to you and foods that feed the fungus in your body, such as sugar (carbs).

•Instead, consume more fiber and water, which help with your elimination and detoxification process. These will greatly decrease the toxic load on your liver.

•Next, protect your liver from the toxins it eliminates. A combination of organic herbs can provide this protection. For example, milk thistle protects the cells of the liver, while different bitters help flush the toxins out of it.

How to Use Bitters

Bitters include dandelion root, gentian, goldenseal, and chicory. You can find many preparations available, such as Gaia herbs sweetish bitters and Dr. Mercola Digestive organic bitters. Take them about 20 minutes before meals and eat high fiber vegetables such as leafy greens, carrots, and cabbage first. Then as you eat your other foods, the high-fiber foods will ‘catch’ the toxin as your liver and gallbladder to flush them out.

You could also take the bitters about 20 minutes before bed, along with a binder such as a good clean zeolite, since your liver does most of its work while you sleep.

Step 3: Support Your Kidneys When Healing From Mold Illness

When at my worst with mold illness, I was constipated but going pee all the time because my kidneys were taking up the slack in my body’s elimination process. This took a toll on my kidneys.

Under normal circumstances, this “toll” would not be a problem because our creator made us fearfully and wonderfully. But in mold illness, the mycotoxins create such havoc that we can’t efficiently eradicate those toxins, and then we can’t heal because of the damage done to our organs.

•So first, to support your kidneys, drink enough water. Water is essential in all of your detoxification pathways. Drink half your body weight in ounces of good clean water every day – and more if you are sweating.

•Take herbs that support your kidneys, such as marshmallow root, parsley, collinsonia root, uva ursi, and hydrangea paniculate. These herbs help protect your kidney and support elimination flow. These herbs also help close up your gut, which is important since mold illness almost always brings leaky gut into the picture.

•Consider taking NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine), an amino acid that helps protect your liver and produce glutathione, aiding with phase 2 of liver detoxification.

So in summary, to get rid of mold and mycotoxins in your body, you must make sure your detox pathways are open and working. Then protect your organs from further exposure to toxins while feeding and hydrating your body well.

If you have been dealing with a mysterious illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a purposeful life again, Click here to set up a complimentary Breakthrough call to see if we could work together.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.