How to Strategically detox mold

How to strategically start your detox of mold and mycotoxin so you can get back to feeling like yourself

by Tina Paulus FDNP

Have you found mold in your home, work place, or vehicle? Have you been dealing with a mysterious illness for some time before you found it? Are you unsure of where to start with your detoxification of the mold and mycotoxins?

Well, the first place to start is testing to be sure you have, or don’t have, mold and mycotoxins in your body. That can be done with a simple functional test that can be easily performed at home and sent to the lab.

I learned to do this testing when I became a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner and through my own problems with mold illness.

Second, more functional testing should also follow to see what all it has done to your body. There are several functional tests that can be completed at home and sent to the lab for this as well.

Once you know what is going on in your body, you need that roadmap. And I would have to say that the best place to start, even though most don’t like talking about that, is to make sure your drainage systems and organs are working well, and that they have the energy to do that work. So I guess you could say that the journey begins by preparing your body for the huge job you will be asking it to do.

Of course, make sure that you are well hydrated. That doesn’t mean drinking all the water you can get into you, but that you are drinking the amount of good clean water that your body needs.

The best way to do that is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water everyday dispersed throughout the day. If you are not drinking that much then work up to it. If you are drinking more than that, then you should consider cutting back as you can actually be dehydrating yourself that way when you have mold illness.

Next, consider thinking about what food you are eating. If you have mold illness, the Paleo AIP diet is best. Make sure you are eating lots of fiber from vegetables, to help with the movement of toxins out of the digestive tract, and getting those very important vitamins and minerals needed for the other parts of detoxification as well.

Consider helping your energy levels also, as I mentioned earlier. You should consider things that feed you mitochondria, like the right amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates for you. Make sure you are getting a generous supply of B vitamins, CoQ10, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. Those will come from the fresh fruits and vegetables.

I would also say, don’t eat things that your body reacts to as this also creates inflammation in the body and clogs up the system. There are tests for that also if you would like to dive your foods.

So, we are up to the first leg of the journey, getting the drainage started. You understand that that means pooping well, because it is the end of the drainage funnel and should be opened first. As I said earlier you will need the fiber from lots of fresh vegetables, and those should be organic as much as possible to keep from adding to the toxic load.

I know I had real problems all my life with constant constipation and with occasional boughts of diarrhea. That is probably the main reason why I could not get well.

You will need to be pooping 2 to 3 times per day to get rid of the toxins. This is where some of that secondary testing will come in handy, because if you are not pooping that many times per day you need to know why.

This could be a low thyroid problem, which happens easily in mold illness. It could be you’re not drinking enough good clean water, or are drinking too much. It could be you just have not eaten enough fiber. The mold or mycotoxins from it may be killing your mitochondria that make your energy. You may not be getting the nutrition you need. And, mold illness causes a lot of inflammation in the body too, hense, it’s not so common name Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

If you are having trouble pooping, are eating fiber and drinking the right amount of water, and you have tested to see where you thyroid is at and have started the work to get that going, then you can use some wonderful herbs to get your bowels moving more. Please don’t use anything unnatural as it will cause your body to need that product in order to poop at all.

Some really great gentle non addictive herbs are Cascara sagrada bark, Aloe leaf, Rhubarb Root, Barberry root, Black Walnut hull (great for killing fungus also), Senna leaf (be careful not to take too much of this one). If you can find a good formula that has all of these, they will be in a ratio that won’t cause any problems. There are several brands around that are good. Of course, those should be organic also, but not mandatory. But all are good non-harmful non-addictive herbs.

Our bodies were fearfully and wonderfully made to detox and heal. Remember to help it by reducing reactions to things, work with your body to give it the ingredients it needs to upregulate cellular energy, and provide your body the support it needs to optimize drainage pathways so toxins are easily moving out of your body.

So this is the second in the series to explain the detoxification of mold and mycotoxins out of your body so you can get your brain and purpose in life back. The first was how to stop recirculating those mycotoxins to get you brain back so you can remember your purpose in life.

And please don’t forget this is a journey. Plan and prepare to get it done quickly and well, without any hiccups.

Next time, I will be discussing about the energy needed to make sure the drainage is free flowing.

If you have been dealing with mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a normal life again, Join the Mold Illness Recovery Facebook Community where we don’t feel so alone and you can get questions answered.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.