
My Mold Story: A Happy Ending to Encourage Your Mold Illness Healing

Whether you have recently discovered mold illness or feel like it’s taken over your life, I’m sharing my mold story to give you hope. I struggled through the worst beginning, years of mold exposure, feeling like I was going to die…to now hiking, horseback riding, and living a purposeful life I love. You can do this, too!

A Dismal Start to My Mold Story

Many years ago in a land far away, I was conceived by two unhealthy parents in a home with mold. I was doomed from the start – I was even born having an asthma attack (and had many more throughout my life)!

I lived in that house for my first year of life. My dad smoked in the house and probably the car. They didn’t know about the dangerous effects of smoke or mold at that time.

But I’m thankful I have a heavenly father who loves me and created me to help others be healthy. So I started out with all the necessary things to be HIS servant – the sickness, the personality, and the desire to please HIM.

For most of my childhood, green snot ran out of my nose and I had respiratory infections of all sorts. During the year before I started my period, I threw up every month. I have never heard of anyone else doing that, but I am sure there are some gals out there who did. Then in my teen years, I only pooped once per month around my period.

The Saga Continued – If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now

I was very constipated most of my life and always had many food intolerances. But I still kept eating those foods, not realizing that the foods and mold were causing my problems. My mom did her best to help by giving me bone broth and tapioca. But little did we know at that time that those foods were making me worse because of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), histamine intolerance, and leaky gut.

Early in my adulthood, I got pleuritis and pneumonia several times per year. I was talked into getting a flu shot every year and pneumonia shot once, but I don’t do shots anymore!

Later after giving birth, I struggled with irritable bowel syndrome –  going back and forth between very painful diarrhea and constipation.

I forged ahead with the only life I knew and kept repeating mold exposure after mold exposure all my life. I suffered through many broken relationships and much emotional, mental, and physical stress. One year I moved twelve times!

The Thick of My Mold Story and Sickness

I’ve always loved nature and its healing qualities. But even nature has its place.

A stream ran through the basement of one old country home I lived in. That must be how they kept things cool in hot weather.

Later I lived in a log home with a dirt floor that was built in the 1800s. It rested on 100 acres with a river running through it. I loved that place – but the mold exposure didn’t do me good.

One year, the stream that ran about 20 feet away flooded and filled the dirt floor basement with water right up to the top step. I didn’t think much about it at the time except that my hot water heater was ruined.

I had always slept like a baby. But after the flood, I started having insomnia. I could not even lay still, much less sleep. I could only sleep in my recliner watching TV from 8 to 9 pm every night. Then I would work on my computer instead of tossing and turning in bed all night. I didn’t realize that I was encouraging my already-bad circadian rhythm to get even worse!

Next, I lived in many mobile homes, not realizing they are known to cause mold and other environmental sicknesses. One winter, I lived in a tent.

The Beginning of the End of My Mold Story

Eventually, I moved into a small mountain home surrounded by trees. That is where I really started to get sick.

I loved that area so much. I hiked every day for exercise and fun. But due to all the trees, and the previous tenant not keeping it clean, that home was very moldy. Within three weeks, I could not even get up to go on my hike.

I got even worse after that. I still didn’t know exactly what was wrong. I knew the mold could be contributing to my sickness but didn’t find anything on “doctor google” to confirm this possibility.

Meanwhile, I had become a master herbalist to try to help myself and others and started treating my symptoms with herbs. At first, that did help. But as usual, when you are treating symptoms only, they came back – worse than ever.

I moved out of that home and into a fifth-wheel trailer. Unfortunately, a design flaw in that trailer provided a feast of moist wood for mold to thrive.

So we got rid of that trailer and bought another, hoping for a better design. We still had no idea that taking our possessions with us would bring the mold along, too.

But God be praised, I started school to become a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner and then took a class on mold illness and how to heal from it. That was enlightening. I found out then that I could not take certain kinds of possessions with me without also bringing the mold along. And that is when we embarked on building a tiny mold-free house.

At that time, I also started on the detox protocol I learned in my mold illness class.

While we were still in the moldy trailer building our tiny house, we went camping in Glacier Park. I felt so good there I could not believe it. That is when I knew without a doubt that I had mold illness. Unfortunately, I had to live in that mold exposure for another winter.

A New Beginning

When moving into our tiny house, if anything could not be properly cleaned, we bought new – including furniture and appliances. I bought new mattresses, pillows, blankets, and a washer and dryer. I washed the clothes we decided to keep in borax and laundry soap several times.

A New Purposeful, Joyful life

I have experienced a lot of hiccups on the way, but am well on my way, feeling like a new me. I feel much stronger, have more endurance, and walk about an hour every day (even up hills). I sleep better and think better. I’m also getting my memory back.

You too can get your purpose in life back. You can feel energetic and strong, think clearly again, and live life with gusto like me. There is real hope.

Also, my hope is that my story helps you not feel so alone. Lots of people have healed from mold illness. Do not give up. You are very much wanted and needed in this world! If you think mold illness may be the root cause of your unexplained symptoms, take this link to book a complimentary call to see if we can work together to reclaim your life from the mold!


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.