Mold Illness Parasites

3 of molds little buddies and what you can do about them

I took at poll a while back of things people wanted to learn about and parasites was one of them. So, this is what we are talking about today.

So, when mold becomes active in a water damaged building, it’s because it’s trying to clean up by getting rid of that damaged building. It generally brings its buddies for the party. So it is not unusual for those who get sick from mold to also have parasites.

3 Parasites that can be gotten from water damaged buildings

1. Giardia

Giardia is a microscopic parasite that gives you the diarrhea.

Giardia is found on surfaces in your home, or in your soil. It is also found in running water like steams. It lives on your food, or in your water that has been contaminated with poop from infected humans or animals.

Giardia is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside a host body for long periods of time. Unfortunately, that makes it possibly able to withstand your attempt to clean with chlorine bleach.

You read that right: Giardia is protected with an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body and makes it tolerant to chlorine disinfection. When it takes up residence in your body you will not be well.

Giardia infection can cause a variety of intestinal symptoms, which include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Gas
  • Greasy stool that can float.
  • Stomach or abdominal cramps.
  • Upset stomach or nausea.
  • Dehydration

2. Cryptosporidium

Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that, like giardia, causes diarrheal disease. Both the parasite and the disease are commonly known as “Crypto.” Crypto, which can infect both animals and humans, is similarly protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it very tolerant to chlorine disinfection. Not good.

While cryptosporidium spreads in several different ways, water is the most common. Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of waterborne disease among humans in the United States.

Cryptosporidium infection is an illness caused by tiny, one-celled cryptosporidium parasites. When cryptosporidia enter your body, they travel to your small intestine and then burrow into the walls of your intestines. Later, cryptosporidia are shed in your poop.

Some people who become infected with it are symptom-free. Those infected can still pass on the infection to others. Usually, infection with cryptosporidium causes an infection of the bowels. It can take between 3 to 12 days after contact with cryptosporidium before you develop symptoms.

If you end up getting a cryptosporidium infection, it usually means about a week or two of watery diarrhea that eventually goes away. If your immune system is already compromised, like with mold illness, cryptosporidiosis means a potentially life-threatening situation if left unaddressed. Be careful about your access to water in public places.

Being more cautious around water will significantly decrease your risk of a cryptosporidium infection!

Cryptosporidium doesn’t seem to have much trouble with common chlorine-based disinfectants either. Additionally, the parasite is hearty and can survive for months without a host.

Symptoms include:

  • Watery diarrhea.
  • Stomach cramps or pain.
  • Dehydration.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Weight loss.

3. Cyclospora

Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness as well. You can become infected with Cyclospora by consuming food or water contaminated with the parasite. While it occurs in many countries, cyclosporiasis seems to be most common in tropical and subtropical regions. But water damaged buildings are usually host to warm loving things.

In the United States, foodborne outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have been linked to various types of imported fresh produce like:

  • Raspberries
  • Basil
  • Snow peas
  • Young salad greens
  • Cilantro 

So far frozen and canned foods seem to be safe from cyclospora.

Symptoms of cyclosporiasis may include the following:

  • Watery diarrhea (most common)
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Cramping.
  • Bloating.
  • Increased gas.
  • Nausea.
  • Fatigue.

General Parasite Symptoms in can include:

  1. Digestive complaints: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS
  2. Skin conditions: rashes, hives, psoriasis, eczema, itching
  3. Sleep disturbance
  4. Mood problems: brain fog, anxiety, depression
  5. Muscle & joint pain
  6. Anemia & nutrient deficiencies
  7. Feeling hungry all the time
  8. Food intolerances & allergies
  9. Lowered immune system (getting sick all the time)

As you can see these also include the symptoms that you get from mold illness alone. If you find that you are not healing from mold illness this may be one reason why. So it is best to test. I will usually do a GI Mapp test for my clients at some point in the healing journey.

So what do you do?

To reduce your risk for a parasitic infection take precautions like:

  • Choosing foods that are less likely to cause infection and have been adequately cleaned before you consume them, and wear gloves and wash hands after handling.
  • Take parasite killing herbs and/or essential oils
  • Use herbs that get your bowels moving so the parasites don’t have as much of a chance to take up residence 
  • Use a biofilm eliminator

You may also choose to get some tests run. A GI Mapp would be an excellent choice. 

In mold illness, we need to make sure we have our drainage systems working to get rid of the mycotoxins, but it also helps us to get rid of other unwanted mold buddies. Parasites don’t go easily, but they can be taken out, even with natural methods. This process does take time, but it does work and is worth it.

One conversation can change your life. If you have been dealing with a mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a purposeful life again, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with me today!


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.