How to have the energy to detox mold and mycotoxins

How to help your body have the energy to detoxify the mold and mycotoxins so you can have energy to live the life you lead

by Tina Paulus FDNP

The next leg of the strategic detox journey after getting your bowels moving 2-3 times per day, to get mold and mycotoxins out of your body, is to make sure your detoxification systems and organs have the energy they need to do their work.

Your drainage organs have a hard time operating well without the energy to do so. You probably can really relate if you have mold illness. I was so exhausted during the height of my mold illness that I could hardly get up to go to the bathroom and then lay back down.

Mitochondria are the little energy producers your cells. New research is showing that they really may run the whole show of everything in your body. Mitochondria use oxygen and nutrients from food to keep themselves going to produce this energy.

We need our detoxification organs to have enough properly working mitochondria. For example, the liver has around 2000 mitochondria per cell. You need well-performing mitochondria so your liver and other drainage organs can work at their best.

This starts with making sure you have the right amount of good clean water in your body, not just for hydrating your cells for processes they do, but also for keeping your poop from being too hard to come out, and helping your mitochondria to work properly.

The cells in the brain, heart, nerves, muscles, and organs all have higher concentrations of mitochondria. These parts of the body are also more inclined to a premature decline in function caused by things like mold illness.

Healthy mitochondria are critical for cellular survival, overall vitality, graceful aging, and detoxifying. Research has shown that diet and lifestyle interventions can be helpful in providing support for healthy mitochondria.

When the mitochondria are working well, they help to reduce fatigue, pain, cognitive problems, and support muscle mass. Which means that you feel better, think more clearly, and have less aches and stiffness.

Cellular energy production is fueled when you eat nutrient dense high quality foods. Consider focusing on toxin free proteins, high quality fats and oils, and more organic plant foods to make sure you have all you need for your energy production and detoxification needs. Foods send a message to the body, so make sure your goal is to ensure that message is one encouraging health and wellness. A ketogenic diet appears to provide the most efficient fuel for the mitochondria.

Damage to mitochondria can be the result of inflammation, and mold illness and food intolerances definitely cause that. If you are feeling fatigued then your mitochondria may be damaged or dying off.

Another consideration is that mitochondria use CoQ10 as well. CoQ10 is essential to its energy production cycle. The body makes some CoQ10, but for many suffering from mold illness, this is not enough to support the tissues in the body for detoxification of those mycotoxins. There are no significant food sources of CoQ10, so consider taking a supplement of this important nutrient along with B-12 and Folate.

It is important to remember that dietary interventions are just one part of the overall picture of optimizing mitochondrial function. Other lifestyle considerations like exercise, movement, stress reduction, and sleep also play a role in mitochondrial health.

Exercise and movement have been shown to improve cellular energy production. Exercise also helps to reduce stress, which contributes to inflammation and mitochondrial decline.

Appropriate sleep is also important for mitochondrial health. Maybe the most important. Animal studies have shown that getting adequate sleep helps to reduce mitochondrial stress. Without sufficient sleep there is an increased risk of nerve deterioration within the brain. When we sleep is when our brains detoxify.

So the conclusion is that you can’t detoxify the molds and mycotoxins out of the body without enough cellular energy for your detoxification organs to work well. So help your mitochondria to produce enough energy for this process by getting adequate sleep, moving your body, reducing stress, and eating the right foods.

Again, don’t forget this is a journey. Plan and prepare to get it done quickly and well, without any hiccups.

So this is the third in the series explaining the detoxification of mold and mycotoxins out of your body so you can get your brain and purpose in life back. Next time, I will talk about the next section up from the colon in the detoxification funnel that must be working well to make ensure the drainage is free flowing.

If you have been dealing with mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a normal life again, Join the Mold Illness Recovery Facebook Community where we don’t feel so alone and you can get questions answered.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.