Head on fire

Stop recirculating those mycotoxins to get you brain back so you can remember your purpose in life! by Tina Paulus FDNP

When you’re going to go on a trip, you plan and prepare right? You don’t want there to be any problems when you’re on the trip.

All of my life I have had mold illness. I didn’t know what was wrong with my health. By the time I found out what my symptoms could be from, there wasn’t much information out there on how to get well. I had no roadmap or way to prepare, because I had no idea what was happening in my body.

I had constipation or diarrhea most of my life, was constantly having to go pee, and had incontinence off and on. When I was pregnant I had yellowing skin and eyes. I have had pain in the kidney and liver areas of my body. I have had really itchy skin and bumps similar to hives, and acid reflux.

When I was going through puberty, I spent a year throwing up once per month. And the list goes on and on, because mold illness is a multi-system, multi-symptom syndrome.

So with all that, it certainly helps to have a system better than trial and error to help, I know. That system is to start by preparing your body to detox.

Your overall health and ability to advance through a detoxification adequately and without harm are extremely dependent on your body’s capacity to drain and remove toxins. When you have proper drainage, your body’s systems are optimized and can successfully avoid many of the common issues so many people face during detox.

Number one step, after getting out of the mold exposure of course, is to make sure all your detox pathways are working properly and that your body has the energy to make it happen. This is the foundation of your healing journey, if you want to curtail side effects on the way and really heal.

Our bodies were made to detox, but between toxic things like heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and toxins like mold and mycotoxins, the system gets clogged up.

Our bodies detox system is like a city with a vast network of drains and underground pipes that can get clogged up with the previous mentioned debris. So when they are clogged up they back up, then we realize there is something really wrong when we get those symptoms.

The organs and systems that remove toxins from the body include the intestinal system, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin, and lungs. All those need to be working well.

And as crucial as your detox organs are they can’t do their job well without the energy to do it. If they can’t do their job, well then, the toxins can flood your muscles, joints, brain, and other parts of your body. So, the mitochondria would also be involved in this detoxification of those molds and mycotoxins.

But, let’s start with the basics, food. Figure out if any foods are directly harmful for you. People experience a wide range of reactivity to foods, from severe anaphylactic reactions to minor issues. Gluten and dairy sensitivities are extremely common. Once it is clear that a particular food triggers a reaction, that food should be avoided as much as possible. If severe reactions make sure to avoid altogether.

Other food related considerations may be to eat only organically grown and raised foods, as that can make a huge difference. I know that can be expensive, but it can also be crucial to healing. Other things to consider would be to chew your food well, don’t overeat, and make meal time a relaxed and enjoyable time.

Your body also requires water to detoxify. As a general rule drink half your body weight in ounces of water, drink it throughout the day. But if you can’t handle that much water at first, start where you can and work up to that. Also, avoid drinking water from plastic containers, as plastic is one of those toxins we get in our system that can clog it up. And if you are sweating a lot make sure to drink extra water.

So this is the first in a series to explain the detoxification of mold and mycotoxins out of your body so you can get your brain and purpose in life back. Don’t forget this is a journey. Plan and prepare to get it done quickly and well, without any hiccups.

Next time, I will start with the most important place to make sure the drainage is free flowing.

If you have been dealing with mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a normal life again, Join the Mold Illness Recovery Facebook Community where we don’t feel so alone and you can get questions answered.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.