Get Out of the mold NOW

“The importance of getting out of the mold exposure now!” by Tina Paulus FDNP

When I first deeply understood that it was indeed mold illness, I had already been treating myself for it, but wasn’t out of the moldy environment.

I was always exhausted, couldn’t think, couldn’t learn new information well, I was extremely weak, I couldn’t remember anything, was confused a lot, couldn’t focus, had muscle cramping and joint pain, coughed a lot, shortness of breath, always had constipation with boughts of diarrhea occasionally, excessive thirst even after much water, couldn’t regulate my body temperature, was having to pee almost constantly, couldn’t see well where there was not an extreme contrast, had a lot of pain around my body, my eyes teared all the time but felt dry also, and couldn’t even lay still much less sleep at night. And if that wasn’t’ enough, everything I touched shocked me with hard jolts of static electricity.

My husband and I went to Glacier Part to go camping for a week and I found that most of those symptoms were alleviated within a day of camping outside. That taught me that it was indeed mold illness and that I must get out of my moldy environment to get well.

We had already moved out of a moldy house and a moldy trailer. Now we needed to get out of the mold trailer we were living in. I realized then also that our possessions may be a big part of the problem.

So we got away from everything but our clothes (including the multi-layer clothes). I washed all the clothing we kept multiple times in borax and laundry soap, and we embarked on building our tiny house and getting new everything.

I tell you this because you need to know that you must take care, if you want to get better, to get out of the moldy environment. You must find a safe place that is clean of mold to get well. I know this is not an easy task when you are sick and so much mold is in buildings.

Also, when you leave, you need to decontaminate. Shower, wash your hair (as it is a big source to hold toxins), and change into clean (no mold) clothes. All this needs to be done in a not moldy environment. And clean clothes not washed and dried in a machine or environment that has mold. This is your in between place to be sure the new living quarters you’re going to remains clean and free of mold contamination.

Don’t even bring computers from the contaminated area or books. Get and stay as clean as possible. Especially in your sleep zone. When we sleep is when our bodies detox. The liver does most of its cleaning and rebuilding between 2 and 3 am (ever wake up around that time?). Nighttime is also when our brains clean out if we are sleeping deep enough. So make sure this area is extremely clean.

It’s best, of course, to get an ERMI test done where ever you need to and plan ahead. If you can’t do an ERMI test for whatever reason home depot and possibly other places have a cheap petri dish test you can get to do.

Please, if you want to get well, move to a clean safe location with a clean and safe decontamination zone between. You can’t get well in the environment that made you sick. And don’t forget about the possessions that may be harboring mold or mycotoxins.

If you have been dealing with mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a normal life again, Join the Mold Illness Recovery Facebook Community where we don’t feel so alone and you can get questions answered.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.